For the Data Protection Act 1998, Rajasthan Tours is a data controller. To process your booking, we need to collect specific personal details from you. These details will usually include the names and contact details of party members, passport information, and special requirements such as a disability or medical condition which may affect the chosen travel arrangements and any dietary restrictions which may disclose your religious beliefs.
We need to pass on your details (typically just your name and passport number) to the companies and organisations which require them so that your arrangements can be provided (for example your airline, hotel, credit/debit card company or bank).
Except as outlined above or as expressly permitted by the Data Protection Act, Rajasthan Tours Pvt Ltd will keep all personal details you give us in connection with your travel arrangements confidential and will not otherwise use or disclose them. Rajasthan Tours Pvt Ltd has appropriate security measures in place to protect this information.
******End of Conditions*****
If you wish to discuss any part of these terms and conditions, please get in touch.
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